The Bluelake Legacy Gen 1 - The Dark Ages Part 2

Mar 10, 2015

Not long after woohooing, Elisa proposes to Travis. In her underwear. In her one room house. Of course he said yes!

Apr 05, 2015

Travis: In the name of God, I, Travis Scott, take you, Elisa Bluelake to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until we are parted by death. This is my solemn vow.

Elisa: In the name of God, I, Elisa Bluelake, take you, Travis Scott, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until we are parted by death. This is my solemn vow.

Random guy with glasses: I have no clue what I’m doing here, but this is just so nice. I hope those two have a long, happy life together. :)

Cassandra Goth: Oh mom, isn’t this just the most beautiful wedding you’ve ever seen?

Bella Goth: It would be, if that green haired harlot wasn’t blocking my view and shoving her ass in your father’s face.

Mortimer Goth: I have no clue what to do right now. *awkward smile*

Mar 14, 2015

Bella, why?

Apr 06. 2015

Photos from the wedding reception. The cake became invisible and I don’t know why. Elisa looks like a hamster storing food in her cheeks *squee!!!!*

Everyone seems to get along great in the kitchen, although that green haired harlot is up to something….

Apr 06, 2015

1. Travis decided to star making furniture for his new bride. So far he hasn’t been able to make much. Also, he keeps hitting himself in the head. Dumbass.

2. Time for some hot, censored human/water elf action!

3. Hey Elisa, whatcha doin? A pregnancy test? It’s positive??? YEEEEEESSSS!!!

Apr 09, 2015

Elisa and Travis are so cute. Elisa likes to walk around in her underwear and give Travis kisses after he finises making things on the workbench. They’’re so happy and in love. <3

But, what’s this? Here comes Bella for a visit. Why does she look so down?

Elisa: Hey, Belly. What’s wrong? I’ve never seen you so down.

Bella: I… I think Mortimer is having an affair.

Elisa: What? No way! He’s so devoted to you! You’re like the Morticia and Gomez Addams of Simnation.

Bella: I thought so, too. But that woman, the one with the green hair that was at your wedding… I think she seduced him.

Elisa: Bffffttt! You mean Violet? Oh please, there is not a single romantic or sensual bone in her body. She’s all about one night woohoos and junk food. Mortie is the exact oppisite. I can’t see him even giving her a second glance. You’re his type, not Violet.

Bella: I think that’s how she seduced him. She’s younger and fiery. She would probably do things I’ve never even thought of. Besides, she’s always trying to get in the house. The kids know better than to let her in, and there is no way I’m letting her through the door.

Elisa: Listen, Violet is a pretty good friends of mine. I’ll talk to her about it, ok? Now come inside. I’m making food! :D

Elisa: Oh, by the way, I’m preggers!

Bella: Oh my God, that’s awesome! I really am happy right now, don’t let my sad face fool you! :)

Jan 02, 2016

Haven’t played the Bluelake family in a long time. Elisa aged up after a good night’s rest. Clearly she was not too happy about it.

Elisa was one of the first sims I made after I got TS4 sand of course I didn’t have much CC back then, so I gave her something of a midlife crisis makeover.

Next: Her husband and her house.

NOTE: Elisa and Travis had kids between this and the last post. I took a bunch of pictures of them but lost all the pictures when my computer died. I've abandoned the whole Mortimer might be cheating plot.


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